Order Online Egyptian Rice Platter (Large) | PaxelMarket

Egyptian Rice Platter (Large)

Rp 78.650

Arabic Flavored Rice topped with Grilled Chicken Kebab, Premium Veggies, Feta Cheese, Pita Bread, Falafel and Hummus, served with Yogurt Sauce , Hot and Garlic Sauce

Nasi khas Arab dengan topping daging Kebab ayam, disajikan dengan Sayur-sayuran segar premium, Potongan Pita Bread, Falafel dan Hummus ditambah dengan Saus Yogurt, Saus Garlic dan Saus Pedas khas Berlin Doner

100 in stock

Egyptian Rice Platter
Egyptian Rice Platter (Large)

Rp 78.650